Entertainment Lawyers for Protecting Creative Arts and Design

Patterson IP’s Entertainment Attorneys provide full-service intellectual property protection for authors, artists, and creative entrepreneurs across the full range of creatives arts industries. Our lawyers work with entertainers, producers, developers, design firms, creative and marketing agencies, artists, influencers, and other content creators to establish strong intellectual property rights and protect the integrity of creative works. Whether you are producing a children’s series, authoring a new book, or licensing a theatrical production, we can help develop the best strategies for making sure your interests are protected.

Copyright Protection

We understand that many creative agencies and individuals may have problematic assumptions about the scope and acquisition of copyright. Our attorneys can help explain copyright procedures in clear terms and plan a registration and protection strategy most suited for your needs. We provide copyright protection services for literary works; pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; performing arts, motion picture, and other audiovisual works; sound recordings; mask works, computer code, photography, artwork, sounds, sculpture, music, cinematography, choreography, etc.

IP Enforcement And Defense

Patterson IP’s litigation lawyers are uniquely experienced in intellectual property litigation enforcement and defense. We represent both plaintiffs and defendants in federal lawsuits alleging infringement, as well as issuing and responding to misappropriation claims, cease-and-desist letters, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notices, and other Content ID and rights management matters. We can help you analyze, negotiate, litigate, and defend intellectual property claims and defenses, including copyright infringement and fair use.

Trademarks And Branding

Creative businesses and entrepreneurs who protect their trademarks and branding have a major advantage over those who don’t. Creative marketing and advertising don’t just provide an outlet for creative expression; they engage and inspire consumers in association with your personal or business brand. A Patterson IP attorney can help you maximize your trademark and brand protection and help you define and protect your style.

Art And Entertainment Rights & Management

Patterson IP lawyers understand how ownership of intellectual property rights can be very complicated, involving a web of licensing and assignment issues. Artists, employers, employees, and contractors are often surprised to learn they do don’t have the rights they thought they had. We will advise clients on various rights management issues including moral rights, visual artist rights, DRM, licensing, fair use, works-for-hire, and more.