Trademarks Issued for the Month of April


Trademark Protection & Registration

Securing and enforcing trademarks can improve a business’ market share, promote brand recognition, generate licensing income, and boost goodwill. Additionally, properly registering your trademarks can substantially protect your business as well as your customers from competitors, knock-offs, counterfeiters, and other bad actors.

Patterson is committed to helping our clients identify and protect their core trademarks. Whether your business is launching its first product or manages a global product portfolio with associated trademarks and service marks, our firm can help you tailor and enforce a trademark protection strategy to protect your business locally and worldwide.

U.S. Registration No. 7,037,643 for “PINME” registered April 25, 2023 to PINme, LLC of Hermitage, Tennessee.

U.S. Registration No. 7,027,282 for “ACCUITY CLINICALLY INTELLIGENT” (and Design) registered April 11, 2023 to Accuity Delivery Systems, LLC of Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.

U.S. Registration No. 7,019,678 for “ACHIEVERS INSURANCE” registered April 04, 2023 to FFL Achievers, LLC of Nashville, Tennessee.