
Securing Disruptive Technologies
The meteoric rise of blockchain and distributed ledger systems has generated a wave of technological innovation and is poised to disrupt industries worldwide. Industry leaders seeking to implement blockchain solutions into their business are often faced with novel legal and regulatory issues. Patterson IP operates at the forefront of innovation and disruptive technology. Through our experience and technical expertise, we can help you address the challenges of industry disruption while protecting your innovative ideas and models.
Digital currencies evolve with each new altcoin, and understanding the intricacies of cryptocurrency architecture, implementation, and legality requires a combination of legal and technical skill. Our attorneys are uniquely equipped to address matters involving cryptocurrency, including alternative payment method agreements, cryptocoin patents, exchange trademarks, wallet protection, and much more.
Smart Contracts
Smart contracts may be designed to avoid the necessity of lawyers, but legal issues do occur. Whether you need to confirm the legal functionality of your Byzantine fault tolerant algorithms, address jurisdictional issues, or seek judicial enforcement of terms, our attorneys can help.
Blockchain Patents
Inventors are finding new and ingenious ways to implement blockchain technologies to solve various industry problems. We can help you determine whether your implementation is patent-eligible, apply for patent protection, and enforce your blockchain patents worldwide.
Privacy And Proof Of Existence
The decentralized nature of distributed ledgers poses unique concerns regarding privacy laws and proof of existence for documentation. For example, distributed ledgers may pose problems for business agreements requiring the destruction of certain documents. Our attorneys can help you navigate the potential legal pitfalls of using decentralized systems.
We provide trademark services for blockchain and blockchain-adjacent services. Whether branding a new coin, starting an exchange, launching new software, or otherwise, trademarks can help differentiate your offerings from competitors.