Food & Beverage

Recipes for IP Protection
With the explosion of craft brands and boutique culinary experiences, competition in the food and beverage industry has become fierce; intellectual property protection has become more important than ever for this industry to differentiate and protect their products and services from others.
Patterson Intellectual Property Law has worked with numerous breweries, distilleries, restauranteurs, and other pioneers in the food and beverage industry. We work with clients to develop simple, strong, and effective IP protection programs for brands and recipes.
Trademark Protection
Trademarks can protect distinctive names, logos, packaging, tap handles, bottle shapes, colors, and even sounds and smell. Patterson IP has helped countless clients protect their product portfolio through a strong trademark regime. Our attorneys can assist you with developing a comprehensive and responsive trademark program to cover your goods and services.
Trade Secret Protection
Trade secrets are a form of protection that cover confidential business information that provides a competitive advantage. Proprietary recipes, brewing or distilling processes, sales and distribution information, and other specialized know-how could be a protectable trade secret. Patterson IP can help you identify your key trade secrets and ensure adequate protections for them under state and federal law.
Functional And Ornamental Designs
Although utility patents are relatively rare in the food and beverage industry, patent protection can be obtained to cover ornamental designs such as unique bottle, can, tap handle, and dishware shapes. Additionally, new and improved products, inventions, and discoveries in food and beverage packaging may be patentable. We can help you determine whether patent protection is right for you and your business.
Labeling Regulations
Alcohol producers selling packaged products must abide by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s COLA regulations, among other regulations and legal requirements pertaining to labels and advertising. Our attorneys will work with you and your designers to make sure your products meet the necessary advertising and labeling regulations.